Friday, May 1, 2020

आइफोन १२ सिरिजको मूल्य सार्वजनिक

एप्पलले आफ्नो आगामी स्मार्टफोन आइफोन १२ सेप्टेम्बरमा सार्वजनिक गर्नेछ । केही समय अगाडि पनि एप्पलले मिड रेञ्ज आइफोन एसई सार्वजनिक गरेको थियो ।

यसैबीच एप्पलको आगामी स्मार्टफोन आइफोन १२ को मूल्य, डिजाइन र स्पेसिफिकेसन्सहरु लिक हुन थालेका छन् । रिपोर्टका अनुसार आफोन १२ प्रोको मूल्य ९९९ डलर तोकिनेछ ।

उक्त फोनमा ६.१ इञ्चको डिस्प्ले दिइनेछ । टप भेरियन्टको नाम आइफोन १२ प्रो म्याक्स हुनेछ । उक्त फोनमा ६.७ इञ्चनको डिस्प्ले दिइनेछ, भने मूल्य १,०९९ डलर तोकिनेछ ।
आइफोन ११ को आगामी भेरियन्ट अर्थात् आइफोन १२ मा ६.१ इञ्चको डिस्प्ले दिइनेछ, जसको सुरुवाती मूल्य ७४९ डलर तोकिने बताइएको छ । रिपोर्टका अनुसार आइफोनको उक्त दुवै मोडलमा फाइभ जी ससोर्ट दिइनेछ ।
यसका साथै, दुवैमा ओलेड प्यानल दिइनेछ । तर, यस अगाडिको आइफोन ११ मा एलसीडी डिस्प्ले दिइएको थियो ।
आइफोन १२ को लागि दुई वटा स्क्रिन भेरियन्ट दिइनेछ । जसमध्ये एउटा ६.१ इञ्चको डिस्प्ले हुनेछ, भने अर्को ५.४ इञ्चको हुनेछ । आइफोन १२ सिरिजको सबै भेरियन्टमा ओलेड डिस्प्ले दिइनेछ ।

The bill on information technology, against which multiple protests are taking

place, claiming is trying to curb citizen’s freedom of speech looks

troublesome for banking business as well. The Information Technology Bill Will

Also Quench The Banking Business.

The two provisions in the Bill appear to be upsetting the banks as well as

other entities. After the banking business looks to be severely affected, the

bankers are scheduled to hold discussions with the regulator Nepal Rastra


Anil Sharma, chief executive of the bankers’ union said, “Some issues appear

to affect banks as well. Our liaison body is the Nepal Rastra Bank, we are

talking to them to deal with the issue.”

Banks are seen to be affected by Articles 68 and 89 of the Information

Technology Bill. Article 68 of the Bill provides for information security. It

states in the sub-article three: The information filtered, transmitted and

stored by the governmental, public, financial and health agencies, should be

protected such that the information isn’t leaked outside Nepal.
Some of the bank’s information has to be sent abroad,” Sharma said. This will

cause the external banking business to collapse. The transaction details of

remittance, e-commerce, and other forms of Nepali banks are out-sourced. The

core banking system of foreign partnership banks outside of the nation.

“Banks are going to face a huge impact if the data is not sent out,” Sharma

said. It is not possible to keep everything in Nepal and, if possible, the

cost is too expensive. He said that while the world is slowly moving to the

cloud, Nepal has created a system of disagreement.

Article 89 of the Bill, which requires the permission of the equipment before

use, also makes it difficult for the banking industry. Banks are buying

different types of software and equipment to provide their services. GoAML

software is soon to be implemented from Magh 1. The new software is also being

added for remittance services.

Banks should now get approval from the Ministry of Communication and

information technology to buying every software. “The private sector has to

wait for the approval,” Sharma said, adding that the private sector’s work

would also be delayed, and it would be difficult to get approval in every


After the Information Technology Bill is creating problems for the banks, the

union is going to put forward its concerns with the Rastra Bank in writing.

“After informing the NRB, it will take the initiative on its behalf,” Sharma

said, adding that “The ambiguity may increase once the bill becomes fully

active. On the contrary, practical difficulties will be reduced if proper

action is taken soon.”

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